AAA                  abdominal aortic aneurysm

Ab                      antibody

ABE                   acute bacterial endocarditis

ABG                  arterial blood gas

ABPA                allergic bronchopulmonary

AC                     assist control

ACE                   angiotensin converting enzyme

ACEI                 ACE inhibitor

ACL                   anticardiolipin antibody

ACTH                adrenocorticotrophic hormone

ADH                  antidiuretic hormone

AF                      atrial flutter

AFTP                 ascites fluid total protein

AG                     aminoglycoside

Ag                      antigen

AGN                  acute glomerulonephritis

AL                      aortic insufficiency

AIDS                 acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

AIHA                 autoimmune hemolytic anemia

AIN                    acute interstitial nephritis

ALL                   acute lymphocytic leukemia

ALT                   alanine aminotransferase

AML                  acute myelogenous leukemia

AMM/MF          agnogenic myeloid

                           Metaplasia/ myelofibrosis

ANA                  antinuclear antibody

ANCA               antinuetrophic cytoplasmic antibody

Angio                 angiogram

AoV                   aortic valve

AP                      alkaline phospholipid sundrome

APC                   activated protein C

APS                    anti phospholipid syndrome

ARDS                adult respiratory distress syndrome

ARF                   acute renal failure

AS                      aortic stenosis

ASD                   atrial septal defect

AST                   aspartate aminotransferase

Asx                     asymptomatic

ATAC                ectopic atrial tachycardia

ATII                   angiotensin II

ATIII                 antithrombin

ATN                   acute tubular necrosis

ATRA                all-trans-retinoic acid

AV                     atrioventricular

AVA                  aortic valve area

AVNRT             AV nodal reentrant tachycardia

AVR                  aortic valve raplacement

AVRT                AV recipprocating tachycardia

b/c                      because

BAL                   bronchoalveolarlavage

Bb                      beta-blocker

BBB                   bundle branch block

BCx                    blood culture

BDZ                   benzodiazepines

Bili.                    Bilirubin

BiPAP                bilevel positive airway pressure

BM                     bone marrow

BMT                  bone marrow transplantation

BP                      blood pressure

BPH                   benign prostatic hypertrophy

BRBPR              bright red blood  per  rectum

BT                      bleeding time

BUN                  blood urea nitrogen

Bx                      biopsy

C’                       complement

CAD                  coronary artery disease

CALLA             common ALL antigen

CAPD                chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

CBC                   complete blood count

CBD                   common bile duct

CCB                   calcium channel blocker

CCl4                  carbon tetrachloride

Ceph                  cephalosporin

CFU                   colony forming units

CHD                  congenital heart disease

CHF                   congestive heart disease

CIARF               contrast- induced acute ranal  failure

CLL                   chronic lymphocytic leukemia

CML                  chronic myelogenous leukemia

CMML               chronic myelomonocytic leukemia

CMV                  cytomegalovirus

CO                     cardiac output

CPAP                 continuous positive airway pressure

CPPD                 calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate

Cr                       creatinine

CsA                    cyclosporine A

CT                      computed tomogram

CV                     cardiovascular

CVA                  cerebrovascular accident

CVVH               continuous veno-venous hemofitration

CXR                   chest radiograph

d                         day

D MS                 change in metal status

DAT                   direct antiglobulin test

DBP                   diastolic  blood pressure

DCIS                  ductal carcinoma in situ

DCM                  dilated carddiomyopathy

Ddx                    differential diagbosis

DFA                   direct fluorescent antigen detection

DI                       diabetes insipidus

DIC                    disseminated intravascular coagulation

Diff                    differential

DIP                    desquamative interstitial pneumonitis

DIP                    distal interphalangeal

Dlco                   diffllsion capacity of  the lung

DM                     diabetes mellitus

DMARD            disease- modifying

DRE                   digital rectal exam

DVT                   deep vein thrombosis

dx                       diagnosis

EAD                   extreme axis deviation

ECG                   electrocarddiogram

Echo                   echocardiogram

ECMO               extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

EDP                   end-diastolic pressure

EDV                   end-diastolic volume

EF                      ejection fraction

EGD                   esophagogastroduodenoscopy

EIA                    enzyme-linked immunoassay

ELISA               enzyme linked immunosorbentassay

Epo                     erythropoietin

ERCP                 endoscopic retrograte

                           Cholangiopancrea tography

ERV                   expiratory reserve volume

ESP                    end-systolic pressure

ESR                    erythrocyte sedimentation rate

ESRD                 end-stage renal disease

ESV                   end systolic volume

ET                      essential thrombocytosis

ETT                    endotraccheal tube

FDP                    fibrin degradation product

FEV1                 forced expiratory volume in 1 second

FFP                    fresh frozen plasma

FHx                    family history

FMF                   familial Mediterranean fever

FOBT                 fecal occult blood testing

FQ                      fluroquinolone

FRC                   funtional residual capacity

FSGS                 focal segmental glomerulosclerosis

FSH                    follicle stimulating hormone

FTI                     free thyroxine index

FVC                   forced vital capacity

G.CSF                granulocyte colony stimulating factor

GBM                  glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase

Gen.                   genaretion

GERD                gastroesophageal reflux disease

GGT                   y-glutamyl transpeptidase

GH                     growth hormone

GIB                    gastrointestinal bleed

Glc                     glucose

GNR                  gram negative rods

GnRH                gonadotropin releasing hormone

GVHD               graft-versus-host disease

HA                     headache

HAV                  hepatitis Avirus

Hb                      hemoglobin

HBIG                 hepatitis B immune globulin

HBV                  hepatitis B virus

HCC                   hepatocellular  carcinoma

HCM                  hypertrophic cardiomyopath

Hct                     hematocrit

HCV                  hepatitis C virus

HD                     hemodialysis

HD                     hodgkin’s disease

HDL                   high-density lipoprotein

HDV                  hepatitis D virus

HELLP              hemolisis, abnormal LFTs, low pits

HEV                   hepatitis E virus

HGPRT              hypoxanthine-guanine phosphorbosyl transferase

HK                     hypokinesis

Hpf                     high power field

HR                     heart rate

Hr                       hour

HRT                   hormnone replacement therapy

HS                      hereditary spherocytosis

HSP                    henorch-Schonlein purpura

HTN                   hypertension

HUS                   hemolypic uremic syndrome

IABP                  intra aortic balloon pump

IBD                    inflammatory bowel disease

IC                       inspiratory  capacity

Ica                      ionized calcium

ICD                    implantable cardiac defibrilator

ICP                     intracranial  pressure

ICU                    intensive care unit

IDDM                insulin-like growth factor

IE                       infactive endocardditis

IGF                    insulin-like growth factor

ILD                    interstitial  lung disease

IVDA                 intravenous  drug abuser

IVF                    intravenous fluids

JVP                    jugular vernous pulse

LA                      left atrium

LA                      lupus anticoagulant

LAD                   left anterior descending coronary artery

LAD                   left axis deviation

LAE                   left atrial enlargement

LAN                   lymphadenopathy

LAP                   leukocyte alkaine phosphatase

LBBB                left bundle branch block

LCIS                  lobular carcinoma in situ

LCx                    left circumflex coronary  artery


LDH                   lactate  dehydrogenase

LDL                   low-density lipoprotein

LES                    lower esophageal sphincter

LFTs                  liver function tests

LGIB                 lower gastrointestinal bleed

LH                      luteinizing  hormone

LM                     left main coronary artery

LN                      lymph node

LP                      lumbar puctune

Lpt                     low power fied

LUSB                 left upper sternal border

LV                      left ventrical

LVH                   left ventricular hypertrophy

LVSD                LV systolic dimention

MAC                  mitral annular  calcification

MAC                  Mycobactrium  avium complex

MAHA               microanglopathic hemolitic anemia

MAT                  multifocal atrial tachycardia

MCD                  minimal change disease

MCP                   metacarpal

MCTD               mixed connective tissue disease

MCV                  mean corpuscular  volume

MDI                   metered dose inhaler

MEN                  multiple endocrine neoplasia

MGUS               monoclonal grammopathy of uncertain significance

MI                      myocardial infarction

Min                    minute

min.                    minimal

MM                    multiple mylenoma

MMEFR             maximal-mid expiratory flow rate

MN                     membranous nephropathy

Mo                      month

Mod.                   moderate

MPGN               membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis

MPS                   myeloproliferatie syndrome

MR                     mitral stenosis

MRA                  megnetic resonance angiography

MRI                   megnetic resonance imaging

MRSA                methicillin-resistant S. aureus

MS                     mitral stenosis

MTb                   mycobacterium tuberculosis

MTP                   metatarsal

MV                     mitral valve

MVP                  mitral valve prolapse

MVR                  mitral valve replacement

N/V                    nausea and vomiting

NGT                   nasogastric tube

NHL                   Non-hodgkin’s lymphoma

NIDDM             non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

Nl                       normal

NPO                   nothing by mouth

NPV                   negative predictive value

NVE                   native valve endocarditis

OA                     osteoarthritis

OCP                   oral contraceptive pill

OG                     osmolal gap

OGTT                oral glucose tolerance test

OI                       opportunistis  infection

OM                     obtuse marginal coronary artery

p/w                     present with

PA                      pulmonary artey

PAV                   percutanenous aortic valvuloplasty

Pb                       problem

PBC                   primary biliary cirrhosis

PCWP                pulmonary capillary wedge pressure

PD                      peritoneal dialysis

PDA                   patent ductus arteriosus

PDA                   posterior descending coronary artery

PE                      pulmonary embolism

PEEP                  positive end-expiratory  flow rate

PEFR                 peak expiratory  flow rate

PGA                   polyglandular autoimmune syndrome

PID                    pelvic inflammatory disease

PIF                     prolactin inhibitory pressure

PIP                     peak inspiratory pressure

PMHx                past medical  history

PMI                    point of maximal impulse

PMN                  polymorphonuclear leukocyte

PMV                  percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty

PND                   paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

PNH                   paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria

PPD                    purified protein derivative

PPH                    primary pulmonary hypertension

PPl                     proton pump inhibitors

Pplat                  platteau pressure

PPV                    positive predictive valve

PR                      pulmonary  regurgitation

PRBCs               packed red blood cells

PRL                    prolactin

PRPP                  phosphoribosy-1- pyrophosphate

PRWP                poor R wave progression

PS                       pulmonic stenosis

PSA                    prostate specific antigen

PSGN                 post streptococcal glomerulonephritis

PSHx                  past surgical history

PSV                    pressure support  ventilation

Pt                        patient

PT                      prothrombin time

PTH                   parathyroid hormone

PTH-rp              parathyroid  hormone –ralated peptide

PTT                    partial  thromboplastin time

PTX                   pneumothorax

PUD                   peptic ulcer disease

PV                      polycythemia vera

PVD                   peripheral vascular disease

PVE                   prosthetic valve endocarditis

PVR                   pulmonary vascular resistance

Qac                    before every meal

Qhs                     every bedtime

RA                     refractory anemia

RA                     rheumatoid arthritis

RA                     right atrium

RAD                  right axis deviation

RAEB                refractory anemia with excess blasts

RAEB-tr            refractory anemia with excess blasts in transformation

RAI                    radioactive iodine

RSIU                  radioactive iodine uptake

RARS                refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts

RAS                   renal artery stenosis

RBBB                right bundle branch block

RBC                   red blood cell

RCA                   right coronary cell

RCM                  restrictive cardiomyopathy

RE                      reticuloendothelial

RHD                  rheumatic heart disease

RI                       reticulocyte  index

RIBA                 recombinant  immunoblot assay

RPGN                rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis

RR                      respiratory  rate

RUQ                  right upper quadrant

RUSB                right upper sternal border

RV                     residual  volume, right ventricle

s/p                      status post   

SAAG                serum-ascites albumin  gradient

SAARD             slow-acting anti-rheumtic  drug

SBE                    subacute bacterial endocarditis

SBP                    systolic blood pressure

SCID                  severe combined immunodeficiency

Sec                     second

sens.                   sensitivity

sev.                     severe

SIADH              syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic  hormone

SIEP                   serum immunoelectrophroresis

SIMV                 synchronized intermittent  mandatory ventilation

SLE                    systemic lupus erythematosus

spec.                   specificity

SPEP                  serum protein electrophroesis

ST                      sinus tachycardia

SV                      stroke volume

SVR                   systemic vascular resistance

SVT                   suprarventrcular tachycardia

Sx                       symptom(s) or symptomatic

T3RU                 T3 resin uptake

TB                      tuberculosis

TBG                   thyroid binding  globulin

TCA                   tricyclic  antidepressant

TdT                    terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase

TEE                    transesophageal  echo

TFTs                  thyroid function tests

TG                      triglycerides

TIA                    transient ischemic attact

TIBC                  total iron binding capacity

TIPS                   total iron binding capacity transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shun t       

TLC                   total lung capacity

TP                      total protein

TPO                   thrombopoietin

TR                      tricuspid regurgitation

TRALI               transfusion-related acute lung injury

TRH                   thyrotropin releasing hormone

TRUS                 transrectal ultrasound

TS                      tricuspid stenosis

TSH                   thyroid-stimulating hormone

TSI                     thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin

TTE                    transthoracic echo

TTP                    thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

TWI                   T wave inversion

U/A                    urinalysis

U/S                     ultrasound

UA                     uric acid

UAP                   unstable angina pectoris

Ucx                    urine culture

UGIB                 upper gastroidtestinal bleed

UIP                    upper gastrointestinal pneumonitis

UPEP                 urine protein electrophoresis

URI                    upper respiration tract infaction

V/Q                    ventilation - perfusion

VATS                video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery

VBI                    vertebrobasilar insufficiency

VC                     vital capacity

VLDL                very-low-density lipoproteins

VOD                  veno-occlusive desease

VSD                   vetricular septal defect

Vt                       tidal volume

VT                      ventricular tachycardia

w/                       with

w/o                     wide-complex tachycardia

wk                      week

WM                    Waldenstrum’s macroglobulinemia

WPW                 Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.



Bóc tách động mạch chủ
Bệnh cơ tim
Bệnh cơ tim hạn chế
Bệnh cơ tim phì đại
Bệnh màng ngoài tim
Bệnh van tim
Catheter động mạch phổi
Chèn ép tim cấp
Cơn tăng huyết áp
Cơn đau thắt ngực không ổn định
Hẹp van hai lá
Hở van hai lá
Hở van động mạch chủ
Lượng giá nguy cơ tim mạch cho phẫu thuật ngoài tim
Máy tạo nhịp
Nhịp nhanh với phức bộ rộng
Nhồi máu cơ tim cấp
Rung nhĩ
Rối loạn nhịp tim
Sa van hai lá
Suy tim
Sổ tay thực hành tim mạch
Tăng huyết áp
Van tim nhân tạo
Viêm màng ngoài tim co thắt
Đau ngực
Điện tâm đồ